Canadian photographer R. John Knight shares the stories behind some of his nature and wildlife images

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wildflowers, Spruce Needles and Raindrops!

We headed to Waterton National Park in early July with hopes of photographing wild flowers. As we drove south, the skies got darker and rain began to fall.  And then, it rained heavily all night, leaving us to wonder what the next day would be like.

Under heavy overcast skies in the morning, we headed into the Park.  To our surprise, the clouds began to break up.  The early morning light streamed through onto the soggy landscape.  We quickly searched for some wild flowers, not knowing how long the sun would stay out.

On the bluffs near the Park’s administrative centre, we each grabbed a camera and tripod, and ventured into wet knee-high grass and bushes.  While the wild flowers were not yet at their peak, everything was covered in water drops from the overnight rain.  The water drops sparkled in the sun.

Raindrops on Mountain Bluebell
 In the bright sun, however, the rain drops began to rapidly disappear as the water evaporated.  I wondered towards the nearby spruce trees, looking for more wildflowers, and stumbled on the following images which were photographed with a Canon 100mm f/2.8 macro lens.  

Raindrops on grass
Raindrops on Spruce needles
What you get to see, when you’re at the right place at the right time, and if you happen to be looking in the right direction, can be simply stunning and amazing.


  1. Wow! Amazing shots, John. Congrats.

  2. Your love of nature, is a thrill to see.
    Thank you for capturing, what I love to look at.
    Ruth & John Mauel.

  3. Your images inspire us all to pause when our inner voice whispers 'wait', then to look more closely for the wonder and mystery.

    It reminds me that people also have inner beauty that often gets overlooked because we are too busy to pause.

  4. Thank you everyone for your comments. It's fun to be able to share these images with you. The wonder of nature is everywhere, but first, you have to slow down to see it, or wait for it to happen.

  5. Beautiful pictures John. It's hard to believe they are real and exist on our planet, not some perfect computer generated image. Thanks for continuing to share. We always love to see and read about your adventures.
